Friday 13 April 2012

Exam Idea: Family Experience

This idea was based on the concept of experiences and encounters of family life. For the images I used a mother, her son and her new born baby to photograph their behaviours and how they interacted with each
other. for most of the shots I chose to photograph close up portraits to capture facial expressions.

Whilst shooting I found it hard to capture the attention of the young baby as well as the two other people within one shot. I like the composition of the shot and how each subject is at different levels which breaks the image up. I also like how the mother's head is at a slight angle over the children which gives a sense of affection and a protective nature, however to improve the baby would have been also looking toward the camera and the picture could have been lightened as there are some harsh shadows in the frame.

Like the other pictures, this shot would have been better if it had captured the attention of the baby also a range of levels to position the models would have created a more interesting photograph. It would have also been better if you could see more of the mothers face and her expression. 

I like this picture due to the composition and positioning of the models, for example how the young boy is coming over the mother's shoulder and his arm is around her. I also like the leaves in the background as it adds colour to the shot, however it could have been lightened in editing as again the shadows are quite harsh and in this case hide a part of the boy's face. 

I like this shot as it focuses on the baby's expression but also gives a warming sense of affection due to him being held by his brother and receiving a kiss. I also like how the shot is predominately white as it draws the focus on the people as well as bringing a innocent, pure feel to the photograph. I find the shot a little over exposed and too bright, the contrast could also be brought down as there is a over saturated colour. 

I also like the composition of this shot. I like how there is different levels and the mother is lower than the son. They also hold eye contact which gives a natural, 'in the moment' feel to the picture as they are not looking directly at the camera. The facial expressions add to the warm nature of the photograph. I feel it has however, too much contrast and it could be a nicer image if it were changed to black and white. 

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