Monday 19 March 2012

Giacomo Brunelli Inspired Work

I have taken a number of photographs of my cat, and edited them in the
 style of Giacomo Brunelli's photography.

With each photograph I first edited it to make a black and white image. I then enhanced the contrast levels on each image and changed the 'levels' to make the highlights in each shot stand out against the darker shades. I also brought down the the brightness level to create and eerie effect across each photograph, I then changed the colour levels so that blues and slight sepia tones came through with the black and whites. On some images I changed the vividness of the shot and added blurs and shaddows to improve the look of depth of field on the necessary shots; such as the close ups, in which I wanted the face or main features to stand out and be perfectly crisp, which would contrast the blurred background. 

 I like this image as the slight low angle presents a feel of power to the shot and makes the subject appear of high status and proud as well as the positioning of the subject and how the direction of view is away from the camera . I also like the contrast levels, how the light hits the subject and how the whites contrast the shaddows and darker areas of the photograph and also the blurred areas of the shot, which makes the face of the subject stand out.


Giacomo Brunelli's work has inspired these photographs by the lighting, the colours used and the eerie, mysterious nature that is continued through his work. I tried to recreate the feel of his photographs by editing the above pictures to be darker and creating dramatic contrasts between highlights and shadows. However, unlike Brunelli's grainy, unclear images which present a sense of aged photography, I used high focus and clear images to create a modern twist on the photographer's work. 

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