Monday 23 January 2012

Synthetic Lighting Portraits

This is an experimentation of portrait shots in both black and white and coloured. The images have used synthetics studio lighting and some have been edited in Photoshop. The images present a range of positioning, angles and shot types. 

I like how the light falls on the model in the two above shots and the highlights and shadows on the shirt from the lighting. I also like the positioning and the low angle that the shot was taken from. I experimented with colour on Photoshop; changing the colour preferences and contrasts in the first image and changing it to black and white in second.

I like how the lighting falls in the above shot; highlighting areas of the face shadowing others, however it is too dark and could have been a brighter image.

The above image is a low angle, mid-shot. I wanted to experiment with the way lighting would fall on the subject and how shadows would be altered from the angle. The angle and positioning meant that some areas of the model would be highlighted but alot would be shadowed which created a darker image. It could have been lightened with the use of stronger lighting or raised brightness through editing on Photoshop

I edited the above shot changing the colour preference and adding a slight sepia effect.

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